I have osteoarthritis in my left hand, particularly my thumb. It’s painful, especially with my career as a hairstylist. I had a cortisone shot last year and that lasted a solid six months. It was wonderful, but slowly it wore off and the pain reared its ugly head again. I received another cortisone shot over the summer. This time it only lasted about a month. I hated the thought of having to get those shots more frequently and I knew I wouldn’t go that route. Cortisone does cause bone loss. Osteoarthritis deteriorates the joints. Sounds like the perfect combination to put a person in a wheelchair. No thanks!

The other option is surgery, which has a three-month recovery time. I don’t know anyone who could take three months off work without pay. So that’s not a viable option.

I spent time between clients, taking ibuprofen and rubbing the joint of my thumb. I’m not comfortable taking ibuprofen so regularly, but the pain makes it necessary. My father did that a few years ago and landed himself in the hospital with kidney failure. The doctors concluded it was a combination of ibuprofen and another medication. Since I’ve inherited different ailments from my father’s side, I worry my kidneys may react the same as my father’s did. I needed another alternative.

I was so worried about the future. How many hours will I be able to work? How many clients will I lose? Will this get worse? How long can I continue to work? What other jobs are out there that don’t require my left thumb? 

A young client asked me how my last cortisone shot worked. When I told him what a failure it was, he suggested CBD oil. He said his grandmother swears by it for her arthritis. I decided to try it. What could it hurt?

I read several articles about CBD oil. CBD stands for cannabidiol. It’s a cannabinoid from cannabis sativa, which is marijuana. CBD oil contains no THC, the cannabinoid that makes you high, which is why it’s legal. You do not need a medical marijuana card or prescription for this. Not only does it help with pain, but also anxiety.

I looked online for the most reputable companies, the top 20 list. From there, I browsed their websites, cost, shipping, quality, reviews, etc. I can’t purchase anything willy-nilly. I settled on one out of California. It showed up at my door on Friday and I started using it immediately. I put a couple of drops (or three) under my tongue for about a minute and then swallowed. This particular one tastes like vanilla, so the aroma and taste are very pleasant. Its recommended use is twice a day or as needed. The first couple of days, my pain level was very high, so I used it 3-4 times a day. On my days off, I used it twice a day, morning and night. The days I worked, I used it three times a day. cbd oil

Today is Thursday. I’m six days into use. I cannot stress enough how much this has helped. I didn’t have to rub my hand between clients. I wasn’t in pain every time my thumb had to hold the comb, pinch the hair or roll a rod. Because I wasn’t experiencing the pain, it was so much easier to concentrate on what I was doing and what my client was saying. I had no need to take ibuprofen, which means I don’t have to worry about what sort of damage I’m inflicting on my organs or bones. I haven’t had any negative side effects. I am completely amazed.

I was in tears this morning, after I realized I woke up without pain in my hand. I sent a text to my client this morning, thanking him for telling me about CBD oil. I had no idea it was an option and he has no idea what he’s done for me, just by telling me about it. I’m going to make sure every person I know hears about CBD oil. I highly recommend you try it. You think you’re tired of hearing about crossfit, gluten-free, vegan, fortnight or even Jesus? Just wait!

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